Dec 30, 2011
Free Friday: Why the majority of women fake orgasms, an awesome way to deal with mutual divorce or breakups, what is a clitoral pump?, getting too aroused before sex, what to do when your friends start dating, the biggest reason NOT to have a threesome, going green with your sex toys, how long Emily will entertain...
Dec 29, 2011
Episode 213: Overcoming jealously, the ups and downs of
cleavage, married sex, & releasing her desire Photographer Karina
Marie Diaz Check out my new iPhone App Kegel Camp. We love our
sponsors, and guess what? You can too: Adam & Eve (coupon code:
Emily for 50% one item, special gifts, 3 dvd's and free
Dec 28, 2011
Episode 211: Why complements will get you everywhere, foreplay & top sex tips photo by Peter Samuels Check out my new iPhone App Kegel Camp. We love our sponsors, and guess what? You can too: TuneUpMedia (coupon code: Sex with Emily for 20% off tune-up gold) Adam & Eve (coupon code: Emily for 50% one item, special...
Dec 27, 2011
Random acts of sex, what guys should do on the first date, how long to wait for sex & sex tips you'll really use.
Dec 26, 2011
Episode 216: Outdoor sex, what not to do on a blind date, how to
get more oral, & sex life after moving in together. We love our
sponsors, and guess what? You can too: Adam & Eve (coupon code:
Emily for 50% one item, special gifts, 3 dvd's and free
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